Source code for epynn.lstm.forward

# EpyNN/epynn/lstm/
# Related third party imports
import numpy as np

[docs]def initialize_forward(layer, A): """Forward cache initialization. :param layer: An instance of LSTM layer. :type layer: :class:`epynn.lstm.models.LSTM` :param A: Output of forward propagation from previous layer. :type A: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :return: Input of forward propagation for current layer. :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :return: Previous hidden state initialized with zeros. :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :return: Previous memory state initialized with zeros. :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` """ X = layer.fc['X'] = A cache_keys = ['h', 'hp', 'o_', 'o', 'i_', 'i', 'f_', 'f', 'g_', 'g', 'C_', 'Cp_', 'C'] layer.fc.update({k: np.zeros(layer.fs['h']) for k in cache_keys}) h = layer.fc['h'][:, 0] # Hidden state C_ = layer.fc['C_'][:, 0] # Memory state return X, h, C_
[docs]def lstm_forward(layer, A): """Forward propagate signal to next layer. """ # (1) Initialize cache, hidden and memory states X, h, C_ = initialize_forward(layer, A) # Iterate over sequence steps for s in range(layer.d['s']): # (2s) Slice sequence (m, s, e) w.r.t to step X = layer.fc['X'][:, s] # (3s) Retrieve previous states hp = layer.fc['hp'][:, s] = h # (3.1s) Hidden Cp_ = layer.fc['Cp_'][:, s] = C_ # (3.2s) Memory # (4s) Activate forget gate f_ = layer.fc['f_'][:, s] = (, layer.p['Uf']) +, layer.p['Vf']) + layer.p['bf'] ) # (4.1s) f = layer.fc['f'][:, s] = layer.activate_forget(f_) # (4.2s) # (5s) Activate input gate i_ = layer.fc['i_'][:, s] = (, layer.p['Ui']) +, layer.p['Vi']) + layer.p['bi'] ) # (5.1s) i = layer.fc['i'][:, s] = layer.activate_input(i_) # (5.2s) # (6s) Activate candidate g_ = layer.fc['g_'][:, s] = (, layer.p['Ug']) +, layer.p['Vg']) + layer.p['bg'] ) # (6.1s) g = layer.fc['g'][:, s] = layer.activate_candidate(g_) # (6.2s) # (7s) Activate output gate o_ = layer.fc['o_'][:, s] = (, layer.p['Uo']) +, layer.p['Vo']) + layer.p['bo'] ) # (7.1s) o = layer.fc['o'][:, s] = layer.activate_output(o_) # (7.2s) # (8s) Compute current memory state C_ = layer.fc['C_'][:, s] = ( Cp_ * f + i * g ) # (8.1s) C = layer.fc['C'][:, s] = layer.activate(C_) # (8.2s) # (9s) Compute current hidden state h = layer.fc['h'][:, s] = o * C # Return the last hidden state or the full sequence A = layer.fc['h'] if layer.sequences else layer.fc['h'][:, -1] return A # To next layer