Source code for epynn.convolution.parameters

# EpyNN/epynn/convolution/
# Standard library imports
import math

# Related third party imports
import numpy as np

[docs]def convolution_compute_shapes(layer, A): """Compute forward shapes and dimensions for layer. """ X = A # Input of current layer layer.fs['X'] = X.shape # (m, h, w, d) layer.d['m'] = layer.fs['X'][0] # Number of samples (m) layer.d['h'] = layer.fs['X'][1] # Height of features (h) layer.d['w'] = layer.fs['X'][2] # Width of features (w) layer.d['d'] = layer.fs['X'][3] # Depth of features (d) # Output height (oh) and width (ow) layer.d['oh'] = math.floor((layer.d['h']-layer.d['fh']) / layer.d['sh']) + 1 layer.d['ow'] = math.floor((layer.d['w']-layer.d['fw']) / layer.d['sw']) + 1 # Shapes for trainable parameters # filter_height (fh), filter_width (fw), features_depth (d), unit_filters (u) layer.fs['W'] = (layer.d['fh'], layer.d['fw'], layer.d['d'], layer.d['u']) layer.fs['b'] = (layer.d['u'], ) return None
[docs]def convolution_initialize_parameters(layer): """Initialize parameters for layer. """ # For linear activation of inputs (Z) layer.p['W'] = layer.initialization(layer.fs['W'], rng=layer.np_rng) layer.p['b'] = np.zeros(layer.fs['b']) # Z = X * W + b return None
[docs]def convolution_compute_gradients(layer): """Compute gradients with respect to weight and bias for layer. """ # Gradients initialization with respect to parameters for parameter in layer.p.keys(): gradient = 'd' + parameter layer.g[gradient] = np.zeros_like(layer.p[parameter]) Xb = layer.fc['Xb'] # Input blocks of forward propagation dZ = layer.bc['dZ'] # Gradient of the loss with respect to Z # Expand dZ dimensions with respect to Xb dZb = dZ dZb = np.expand_dims(dZb, axis=3) # (m, oh, ow, 1, u) dZb = np.expand_dims(dZb, axis=3) # (m, oh, ow, 1, 1, u) dZb = np.expand_dims(dZb, axis=3) # (m, oh, ow, 1, 1, 1, u) # (1) Gradient of the loss with respect to W, b dW = layer.g['dW'] = np.sum(dZb * Xb, axis=(2, 1, 0)) # (1.1) dL/dW db = layer.g['db'] = np.sum(dZb, axis=(2, 1, 0)) # (1.2) dL/db layer.g['db'] = db.squeeze() if layer.use_bias else 0. return None
[docs]def convolution_update_parameters(layer): """Update parameters for layer. """ for gradient in layer.g.keys(): parameter = gradient[1:] # Update is driven by learning rate and gradients layer.p[parameter] -= layer.lrate[layer.e] * layer.g[gradient] return None