Source code for epynn.commons.loss

# EpyNN/epynn/commons/
# Related third party imports
import numpy as np

# To prevent from divide floatting points errors
E_SAFE = 1e-16

[docs]def loss_functions(key=None, output_activation=None): """Callback function for loss. :param key: Name of the loss function, defaults to `None` which returns all functions. :type key: str, optional :param output_activation: Name of the activation function for output layer. :type output_activation: str, optional :raises Exception: If key is `CCE` and output activation is different from softmax. :raises Exception: If key is either `CCE`, `BCE` or `MSLE` and output activation is tanh. :return: Loss functions or computed loss. :rtype: dict[str, function] or :class:`numpy.ndarray` """ loss = { 'MSE': MSE, 'MAE': MAE, 'MSLE': MSLE, 'CCE': CCE, 'BCE': BCE, } # If key provided, returns output of function if key: loss = loss[key] if key == 'CCE' and output_activation != 'softmax': raise Exception('CCE can not be used with %s activation, \ please use softmax instead.' % output_activation) if key in ['CCE', 'BCE', 'MSLE'] and output_activation == 'tanh': raise Exception('%s contains log() not be used with %s activation, \ please change.' % (key, output_activation)) return loss
[docs]def MSE(Y, A, deriv=False): """Mean Squared Error. :param Y: True labels for a set of samples. :type Y: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :param A: Output of forward propagation. :type A: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :param deriv: To compute the derivative. :type deriv: bool, optional :return: Loss. :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` """ U = A.shape[1] # Number of output nodes if not deriv: loss = 1. / U * np.sum((Y - A)**2, axis=1) elif deriv: loss = -2. / U * (Y-A) return loss
[docs]def MAE(Y, A, deriv=False): """Mean Absolute Error. :param Y: True labels for a set of samples. :type Y: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :param A: Output of forward propagation. :type A: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :param deriv: To compute the derivative. :type deriv: bool, optional :return: Loss. :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` """ U = A.shape[1] # Number of output nodes if not deriv: loss = 1. / U * np.sum(np.abs(Y-A), axis=1) elif deriv: loss = -1. / U * (Y-A) / (np.abs(Y-A)+E_SAFE) return loss
[docs]def MSLE(Y, A, deriv=False): """Mean Squared Logarythmic Error. :param Y: True labels for a set of samples. :type Y: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :param A: Output of forward propagation. :type A: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :param deriv: To compute the derivative. :type deriv: bool, optional :return: Loss. :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` """ U = A.shape[1] # Number of output nodes if not deriv: loss = 1. / U * np.sum(np.square(np.log1p(Y) - np.log1p(A)), axis=1) elif deriv: loss = -2. / U * (np.log1p(Y) - np.log1p(A)) / (A + 1.) return loss
[docs]def CCE(Y, A, deriv=False): """Categorical Cross-Entropy. :param Y: True labels for a set of samples. :type Y: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :param A: Output of forward propagation. :type A: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :param deriv: To compute the derivative. :type deriv: bool, optional :return: Loss. :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` """ U = A.shape[1] # Number of output nodes if not deriv: loss = -1. * np.sum(Y * np.log(A+E_SAFE), axis=1) elif deriv: loss = -1. * (Y / A) return loss
[docs]def BCE(Y, A, deriv=False): """Binary Cross-Entropy. :param Y: True labels for a set of samples. :type Y: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :param A: Output of forward propagation. :type A: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :param deriv: To compute the derivative. :type deriv: bool, optional :return: Loss. :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` """ U = A.shape[1] # Number of output nodes if not deriv: loss = -1. / U * np.sum(Y*np.log(A+E_SAFE) + (1-Y)*np.log((1-A)+E_SAFE), axis=1) elif deriv: loss = 1. / U * (A-Y) / (A - A*A + E_SAFE) return loss