.. EpyNN documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Tue Jul 6 18:46:11 2021. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. Welcome to EpyNN's documentation! ================================= .. raw:: html language license lastcommit
stars follow **EpyNN is written in pure Python/NumPy.** If you use EpyNN in academia, please cite: Malard F., Danner L., Rouzies E., Meyer J. G., Lescop E., Olivier-Van Stichelen S. **EpyNN: Educational python for Neural Networks**, *SoftwareX* 19 (2022). Please email to fmalard@epynn.net or solivier@mcw.edu for any comments. What is EpyNN? -------------------- EpyNN is a production-ready but first **Educational python resource for Neural Networks**. EpyNN is designed for Supervised Machine Learning (SML) approaches by means of Neural Networks. EpyNN includes **scalable**, **minimalistic** and **homogeneous** implementations of major Neural Network architectures in **pure Python/Numpy**. Because EpyNN is meant to be **educational**, it contains several dummy and real world examples of problems including data processing schemes and pipelines for training and prediction. Do I need EpyNN? -------------------- EpyNN is intended for **teachers**, **students**, **scientists**, or more generally anyone with minimal skills in Python programming **who wish to understand** and build from basic implementations of NN architectures. Although EpyNN can be used for production, it is meant to be a library of **homogeneous architecture templates** and **practical examples** which is expected to save an important amount of time for people who wish to learn, teach or **develop from scratch**. Is EpyNN reliable? -------------------- EpyNN has been cross-validated against TensorFlow/Keras API and provides identical results for identical configurations in the limit of float64 precision. Herein we report evaluation for **264** distinct combinations of: * Architecture schemes. * Number of units in layers. * Activation functions. * Loss functions. Comparison was achieved by computing the Root Mean Square Deviation (RMSD) between: * EpyNN and TensorFlow/Keras averaged per-sample loss computed from output probabilities using TensorFlow/Keras loss function. * EpyNN and TensorFlow/Keras averaged per-sample per-output probabilities. RMSD distribution for two training epochs with learning rate set to 0.01, for all experiments, shown below. .. image:: _static/keras_epynn/keras_epynn.svg Note that the minimal error considering float64 precision and RMS operation is 1e-08. For the sake of rigor, RMSD = 0.0 was counted as RMSD < 1e-08. Architecture schemes: * **(Dense)n**: Perceptron (n = 1) to Deep Feed-Forward (n > 2). * **(RNN)n_Dense**: With one (n = 1) and two (n = 2) *RNN* layers. * **(LSTM)n_Dense**: With one (n = 1) and two (n = 2) *LSTM* layers. * **(GRU)n_Dense**: With one (n = 1) and two (n = 2) *GRU* layers. * **(Convolution_Pooling)n_Dense**: With one (n = 1) and two (n = 2) Convolution_Pooling blocks. Note that combinations of those are likely to be as reliable, but the exponential number of possibilities makes them unreported here. Activation functions: * **Sigmoid**: For output layer. * **Hyperbolic tangent**: For output layer and hidden layers. * **Softmax**: For output layer. * **ReLU**: For *Convolution* and hidden *Dense* layer. * **ELU**: For hidden *Dense* layer. Loss functions: * **MSE**: With sigmoid, tanh and softmax in the output *Dense* layer. * **MAE**: With sigmoid, tanh and softmax in the output *Dense* layer. * **MSLE**: With sigmoid and softmax in the output *Dense* layer. * **BCE**: With sigmoid and softmax in the output *Dense* layer. * **CCE**: With softmax in the output *Dense* layer. These experiments, including all executable codes, can be downloaded below: .. only:: builder_html or readthedocs :download:`nncheck ` .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 :hidden: quickstart Introduction .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 :caption: Models & Functions :hidden: EpyNN_Model Layer_Model Data_Model activation loss .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 :caption: Layers :hidden: Embedding Dense RNN LSTM GRU Convolution Pooling Dropout Flatten .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 :caption: Examples and more :hidden: data_examples run_examples Details glossary